<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
18 of April, 17:30

The firing position of the self-proclaimed Luhansk people's Republic near the village of CreditBank in the Luhansk region was a deliberate provocation by Kiev forces again to start fighting, said the chief of staff of the people's militia LNR Sergey Kozlov.

previously the head of the military-civil administration of Luhansk region Gennady Moskal said that the first day weekend morning in Trekhizbenke between Ukrainian security forces and militia clashes were started. According to him, the militia came to the broken bridge over the Seversky Donets river, which forms the boundary line of fire, and fire at positions of the Ukrainian security forces with mortars, heavy machine guns and quick-firing anti-aircraft guns.

"10. 20 duty officer said joint units, which are located at the T-junction at CreditBank, were fired from Ukrainian forces. In the Ukrainian media at the same time have any information about the Fact that we have passed the Seversky Donets and are fighting in Trekhizbenke. This is not true - CreditBank is far from our positions,"

review Kozlov, LNR soldiers were fired upon in order to discredit the authorities of the breakaway Republic.

"There is information that before you start Shelling our positions, they drove your people into the cellars. That Is, they were preparing for this provocation ", - noticed goats.

He also said that currently there are more dialogues on the challenge of mortars and artillery systems of caliber of 100 millimeters, but " the Ukrainian side relentlessly imposes additional rules and does not want to sign such a contract - it needs a war."

"The Ukrainian side is doing everything they can to provoke the restoration of military action," said Kozlov.

dialogues " channel four ", held on 12 February came amid a sharp escalation of the situation in the Donbass, provoked by the Ukrainian security forces, which increased the forces began to storm the position of the militia. Following the meeting, the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany adopted a set of measures involving, for example, the ceasefire in the Donbas with fifteen February, the withdrawal of heavy weapons and the development of the security zone.

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