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27 of April, 13:32

LNR: Ukrainian saboteurs infiltrating the Republic under the guise of volunteers
Ukrainian subversive groups penetrate to the site of the self-proclaimed Luhansk national Republic under the guise of volunteers and civilians, said Last news on the first day of the week Deputy commander of people's militia Vitaly Kiselev.

according to information of the people's militia LNR are currently working several subversive groups." The main task of Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups (DRG) - to destabilize the situation and sow panic among local residents. Starting with leaflets, information stuffing on the Internet provocative nature to the more serious: set mines, stretch marks, " says Kiselev.

in LNR was defused another group of saboteurs.

"currently, the members of this group are in our services, work with them. Details until not reported. We try to work ahead of the curve. In Lugansk returns many civilians. We work night and day. If We Wake - local people will not Wake up, " drew attention Kiselev.

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