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29 of April, 10:02

Military engineers of the Russian Federation will extend the pipelines in Crimea more than 400 km
The engineers of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation will extend the pipeline To provide Crimea with fresh water up to 412 miles, told reporters on Wednesday the Deputy head of the Ministry of defence, army General Dmitry Bulgakov.

"To ensure that the Republic of Crimea in fresh water the length of the pipeline routes Will be increased to 412 kilometers. Will be deployed 48 lines of the main pipeline, with a total length of 412 kilometers in two directions - from Prostorinskii and Nizhyn intake To the discharge points of water in the North-Crimean canal, before it was planned to deploy 372 kilometer pipeline routes, " said he.

the Deputy Minister explained that today the pipeline division of Western and Eastern military districts completed the installation of 16 pipelines, at the same time being installed 25 lines, total length of paved highways is more than 340 kilometers.

The " total amount submitted fresh water was more than 300 thousand cubic meters. Daily on main pipelines served More than twenty thousand cubic meters of water, " explained the General.

According to Bulgakov, in the 1st turn carried out the work on laying pipelines To highways North-Crimean canal, which gives the opportunity to fully provide water Kerch, Feodosia and Sudak.

The work involves about five hundred soldiers and about 200 units of military and special equipment.

Ukraine provided to 85% of the needs of the Crimea in fresh water through coming from the Dnieper North-Crimean canal, this water was used For irrigation of farmland. After the annexation of Crimea To Russia the water flow through the channel was completely stopped. Not all the problem managed to solve it After transferring water from the Crimean river Biyuk-Karasu in the North-Crimean canal, and also due to the drilling of new wells.

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