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20 of May, 21:01

Chizhov: the IMF and the European Union do not see the promised Ukraine reforms
Creditors of Ukraine - the international monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union does not see the promised reforms Kiev, said Russia's envoy to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov.

The Russian diplomat said that the largest creditor of Ukraine is the IMF." There the rules are quite strict: it is reported, in the morning - reform, we pay. Still reforms that were promised, and promised many times in Kiev, neither the IMF nor the EU, nor in Russia, " Chizhov said on air of television channel ".

Ukraine's Parliament on Tuesday passed the government Law that allows you to suspend payments on restructured their external debt obligations. The document also provides that in the case of the introduction of the Cabinet of Ministers of the moratorium, Creditors will not be able to pay the judicial recovery of state property. The law still has to sign the head. It is planned that the Document will be valid until 1 July 2016.

As evidenced by the schedule of the act, in the list of obligations for which has the ability to be a moratorium on payments, and got the issue of Ukrainian Eurobonds for $ 3 billion, bought by Russia at the end of 2013. The Russian side has stated many times that this debt cannot be considered private and, therefore, he does not fall under the ongoing restructuring Ukraine.

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