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11 of September, 14:33

Aksenov explained cases of escape of the Ukrainian military in Crimea
The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov believes that the arrest last week of four Ukrainian soldiers for illegally crossing the Russian border due to the severe situation in Ukraine, as well as among them in the APU.
"There (from Ukraine) will run away soon, all based on their moral environment, as well as among them on the front. I think the dynamics will be much more active. I'm surprised There's anyone left, "- quoted expression Aksenov, RIA " Novosti ".
However, he noticed that the Crimean authorities are ready to assist, if you need help Ukrainian soldiers." It is normal to find support in the Crimea ", - noted the head of the Republic. Remember, the Crimean border guards tied one wants to "fraternize" drunken Ukrainian military." Leaving the place of service and freely passing 3 of the Ukrainian post, he came to the site of the Russian Federation. Although the last post of the sentry tried to call going to visit the border, but he proudly said " go away!" and went on own way ", - has told in the border Department of the FSB. On the territory of the Russian Federation soldiers was captured. Weapons In possession he had ever said that to him it was not given. To the question about where he got the alcohol, said alcohol Ukrainian troops are actively selling the inhabitants of border regions of Ukraine, and his Soldiers also actively buying, because it is a 2?3 times cheaper than what is sold in stores. VIDEO

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