<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
20 of January, 12:04

In . The explosion of 2 bombs in the Syrian city of Afrin, which is controlled by the Turkish armed forces, lost their lives 10 people, 18 injured. About this Last news said a source in the opposition "Free Syrian army" (FSA).

head of the Department noted that the first explosion was a bus going near the bridge, SARIA in ' afrä?n.

He said that the group "Free Syrian army" (FSA) defused a third explosive device in the city.

on Sunday morning, Turkish journal Daily Sabah referring to the local sources informed about the 4 victims of the explosion in ' afrä?n. According to media reports, the bomb was installed in the bus. It exploded when It left the station. It is noted that the explosion occurred near the office of the Manager.

The city Afrin in Northern Syria on March 18, 2018 under the supervision of Turkish army and the opposition Free Syrian army (FSA) after their "operation Olive branch" against the forces of the Syrian Kurds.

The Syrian government acknowledged the illegal actions of Turkey in ' afrä?n, saying that this district is an integral part of Syria. Moscow called on all sides to show restraint and to respect territorial integrity of Syria.

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