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14 of December, 10:52

Zemphira sent down from Moscow State University Rumors that student of philological department Zemphira Ramazanova is on the verge of sending down spread over Moscow State University. They said the singer didn`t pass exams of summer session.

Last winter much was said about carelessness of Zemphira. Instead of learning for first session the singer went to mountain skiing resort Kurshevel, where performed several concerts.

While the rest of students sat for an examination, student Ramazanova recorded the album. She transferred session and passes all necessary subjects - higher mathematics, systematic philosophy and logics - later.

Dean of philological department of Moscow State University Vladimir Mironov noted: "Zemphira is not an ordinary person. She writes many philosophic songs. If another star, such as Kirkorov, came to our department I would be surprised but when Zemphira entered University I was not. She is a good student. She is also interested in mathematical disciplines, which is surprising for humanitarians. I noted that Zemphira refers to ancient philosophers in interviews".

But this year students will not see Zemphira. Ramazanova was not sent down but temporary left University. The singer will return from academic leave only in February of next year - again on first course.
sections: Region News, Celebrities
areas: Central region

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