<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
14 of July, 14:58

Poroshenko said about the need to change the tactics of " special operations "
The head of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko met with heads of law enforcement bodies of the country said that an area of " special operations " ought to narrow, and the protection of borders & Radic; strengthen, informs the press service of the head of the Ukrainian nation.
" the leader focused on the necessity part of change in tactics that would narrow the zone of the antiterrorist operation, to strengthen the protection of the borders and to do everything in order to provide protection of the civilian inhabitants ", - notified on the Internet representation of the President of Ukraine. Poroshenko also told the Director General of state concern " Ukroboronprom Roman Romanov " throughout the week, to improve the state of protection of military weapons in the area of ATU ".

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