<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
27 of July, 11:26

" Cybermarket " released documents on mass desertion of the Ukrainian law enforcers
Hacker group " Cybermarket has announced that e-mail hacking one of the high position of the participants punitive operations, saying that he had found confirmation of mass desertion of the Ukrainian military.
" Today we hacked e-mail one of the guards Colonel C. M. Pushenko. Correspondence confirms the facts of mass reluctance of ordinary Ukrainians to shoot its own citizens. Now you can see the real information about hundreds of daily deserticola soldiers. These facts are the most guarded secret Kiev junta ", - is informed in the report on the Internet representative office of Cybermarket "." The morale of the " defenders " of Ukraine so low, that They whole platoons and companies abandon their weapons and ran away from the location of its parts, even at the risk of reprisals by the detachments armed prosecov, " said the hackers. They have posted two scanned document with the signature of the military unit commander C. M. Pushenko, which says about the fact that their places of unauthorized left hundreds of participants punitive operations. In another document, signed Pushenko, reported about the fact that militias seized the Ukrainian army dozens of armored vehicles, as well as among them, combat infantry vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks, artillery, multiple rocket systems " Grad " and more. In another document is data about the victims of the Ukrainian military. On the last working day of the week in the Internet appeared the document signed by the head of the SBU Valentin Nalyvaychenko, which says that in the period from 14 to 19 July 2014 fixed " catastrophic increase " (3, 47 thousand People, or 47%) of cases of desertion from military power and nazvanii of Ukraine in comparison with the same period of last week (1, 8 thousand, 25%)." This fact has an impact on the combat readiness and makes further ATO impossible. If such negative dynamics will stay at the same level, in 4-5 day battle-worthy units of the ATO will cease to exist ", - was stated in the document.

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