<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
28 of July, 18:57

Security officials told of the death of 23 fighters under the control of the Kiev " Aydar "
Volunteer Battalion " Aydar " for the last day lost in the war in the East of Ukraine 23 people, according to a report battalion on page century

" Aydar " - one of the many " nominal " battalions of the Ukrainian law enforcers used in hostilities in the South-East of the country. In June the management of the battalion without coordination with the leadership of the special operation has decided to storm militias in Lugansk, but he was ambushed and despite qualifying reinforcement, suffered a serious loss. Then the radical organization " Right branch " has outfitted its own militants, told in LNR.

" during the day units of the battalion took part in three separate operations in different directions around the city of Lutugino. In each group were losses. Just lost Battalion has lost 23 people ", - is informed in the report.

The battalion " Aydar " was created in may of this year, it included volunteers from Lugansk, Volyn, Kharkiv, Ivano-Franskovskoy regions, the Crimea, Donetsk and Kyiv, activists of self-defense of the Maidan. The battalion operates in Lugansk region.

Ukrainian law-enforcers for more than three months are conducting a special operation in the East of Ukraine on the dismissal of militia, who stated in the Eastern Donetsk and Luhansk of the people's Republic of them do not admit the Kiev authorities. In the Russian capital this special operation, which has already led to numerous casualties on both sides and among them among the peaceful residents, called punitive and campaigning Kiev immediately to stop her.

according to the data gathered by the mission of the Commissariat of the United Nations on human rights and the world health organization, from mid-April to 26 July in Ukraine killed 1129 civilians, 3442 wounded.

numerous anti-government protests were started in the South-Eastern regions of Ukraine at the end of February 2014. It has been the response of the local population at the forcible change of power in the country and the subsequent attempt to cancel the Verkhovna Rada of the law, giving the Russian language regional status. The center of confrontation between Pro-Russian-minded people with the government in Kiev has become the Donbass. About that, how is the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine.

The development of events in Ukraine and Novorossiya: the latest information, photos and video from the place, reaction, and activation -

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