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21 of August, 23:26

Permanent NATO military bases in Poland is not expected to create
Leonid Sviridov. Permanent NATO military bases in Poland will Not be, said in an interview with the speaker of the Polish national newspaper " the Commonwealth " Minister of national defense of Poland Tomasz Samonac.

" I don't think in documents (forthcoming) the NATO summit will have the phrase " continuous military presence, " said the head of the Polish Ministry of defence.

decline in Ukraine, the Polish government has stated many times on the need for deployment on its territory North Atlantic bases of the Commonwealth, in the 1-St of all U.S. military bases.

According to Semenyaka, at the September summit in the UK, it may be made a conclusion about the beginning of the cycle exercises with the participation of troops of the countries members of the Commonwealth on the area of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as on the development in these countries of NATO infrastructure.

" We are satisfied with this concept, we do Not make a fetish of the word " permanent ". Better, when the soldiers of the allies that come to us, participate in Joint exercises With our soldiers, and Not sit in the barracks. Since the spring We have a constant rotation of about 300-400 soldiers of the USA and Canada. In the autumn we will take 400 British soldiers in three rotations. We invite our allies on teaching in Poland " - said the head of the Polish defense Ministry.

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