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10 of September, 16:20

Viruses capture the premises for 2-3 hours For distribution in all areas of high-rise complex of the virus rather 2-3 hours.

This experimentally verified American scientists who reported their own opening in the report at the 54th Minouche conference on antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, held in Washington from 5 to 9 September. Briefly about the study reports The Independent.

Microbiologist Charles Djerba (Charles Gerba) from the Institute of Arizona took the bacteriophage MS-2. This body shape, volume and resistance to disinfectant products too little than differs from norovirus is the main causative agent of acute gastroenteritis in areas of the United States. This microbe "guilty" in 570-800 variants death in the year, and he gets in the body with dirty planes.

Scientists have placed MS-2 on one door handle in different environments (office centers, clinics, hotels). After two or three hours after the first "infection" microbe already got into the body of 40-60 percent of the people working in the building, and guests. Only through
After only 3 hours germ found on all surfaces homes (door handles, light switches, keys elevators, handsets etc).

However, this discrepancy is not catastrophic. Taking into account the opinion of Djerba, the introduction of disinfectant wipes containing Quaternary ammonium compounds, 99 percent stops the spread of the virus.
sections: Society, World News

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