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28 of September, 11:26

Lavrov: West must understand the futility of threats for Russia
The West must understand the futility of ultimatums and threats relative to Russia, said the head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S. Lavrov..

" most importantly, it is important that our partners have realized the futility of ultimatums and threats. From our side there is no lack of good will ", he said in an interview.

Answering the question, how long will you remain strained relations between the Russian Federation and the West, Lavrov expressed the view that this period will not be " protracted ".

The US and EU do not recognize the annexation of Crimea to Russia and accused Moscow of interfering in Ukraine. Russia denies it and calls the accusations are unacceptable. Western countries Since March has repeatedly imposed punishment on a number of Russian politicians, businessmen and organizations and threatened to make wider restrictive measures. The last case of the use of such practices began in September punishment.

A complete list of Russian Citizens and organizations who are under punishment, -

The President of the Russian Federation centuries Putin on 6 August on the individual to ensure safety. The import of a number of items from countries that have imposed penalties on the Russian capital, limited to year. In the corresponding list includes beef, pork, fruits, poultry, cheeses and dairy products, nuts, and other products. A complete list of prohibited importation into the Russian Federation of products -

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