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26 of October, 17:22

Two Ukrainian polling station work in Georgia
Two of the polling station opened in Georgia for Residents of Ukraine on Sunday in connection with the early elections to the Verkhovna Rada.

One site was opened in Tbilisi, at the Embassy of Ukraine in Georgia, and the second in Batumi.

in the capital of Georgia registered up to five hundred Residents of Ukraine, in Batumi - 151. Activity at polling stations expect in the 2nd part of the day. Valaisiana will end at 20. 00 Tbilisi time (19. 00 GMT).

on Sunday in Ukraine held parliamentary Elections. Only Parliament will be elected for a term of five years 423 MP. Yesterday, Ukraine's Central election Commission reported that 198 deputies will be elected in single-member constituencies and 225 party list with reduced barrier of 5%. Elections are held against the background of political and economic decline in the country.

Extraordinary Elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine: the latest data on the voting process -

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