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27 of October, 14:53

Communist party: statement Poroshenko on the CPU declare his fear left turn
Statement of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko of the Communist party of Ukraine (KPU), which did Not pass in Parliament, equivalent to the fear of potential left turn a country that is " broken economic trough, " said 1st Deputy Chairman of the CPRF Central Committee, 1st Vice-speaker of the state Duma Ivan Melnikov.

Poroshenko on the results of elections to the Verkhovna Rada said that the Communist party (KPU) had No right to be in Parliament " for their iniquity." According to him, since Ukraine is a European state, the CPU must go back in time Not by the decree of the President, Not by the resolution of the Council And Not by the Cabinet decision, the verdict of the party " will make the Ukrainian people ".

" The great value that Poroshenko a hundred times a day gives the fact that the Communists were Not in Parliament, equivalent to a serious fear that feels this oligarch with economic trough before the capacity of the left turn of the country. And let him fear: Not only Russian And Ukrainian Communists, but also independent experts And political analysts say the value of the CPU is strategically the most promising in the political arena of Ukraine, " said Melnikov Last news .

for reviews of Communist, Poroshenko said many pathetic words about Europe And about the people of Ukraine, but did Not notice the main.

" phrase it any relation to modern Europe do Not have. Ukraine No European state, which shares European values "and Pro-American state which adopts the values of the time of McCarthyism And neo-Nazism. So, in my opinion, more accurately, " explained the MP.

So, the phrase Poroshenko anti-European, as in the European Union is widely represented And actively improve the election results left And the Communist party, explained Miller.

" Not to mention that the words Poroshenko well audible notes of the authoritarian ruler, covering his hard desire elective procedures. Not the people made any sentence of the Communist party, and the bloody power ways Kyiv authorities of waging a political struggle forced the Communist party of the Verkhovna Rada, " he added.

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