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29 of October, 17:52

Tymoshenko: " Batkivshchyna " does not claim to space in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
The party " Batkivshchyna " does not claim any single seat in the new Cabinet, but will insist on a number of priority reforms, said party leader Yulia Tymoshenko.

on Sunday in Ukraine held parliamentary elections. According to the CEC, after counting 98, 02% protocols on party lists " popular front " Yatseniuk gaining 22, 16% of the vote, " Block Petro Poroshenko - 21, 82%." Batkivshchyna " also takes place at Rada, typing 5, 68% of the vote when the vote threshold of 5%.

" I Wish to emphasize that our team does not claim any one Ministerial portfolio, we believe that now is not about the portfolios have to say, and immediately to unite, to reconcile the principles on which we work, to make a priority list of reforms that should be put into life ", - said Tymoshenko said at a press conference on Wednesday.

She added that " Fatherland " will insist on the adoption of a number of priority laws, such as the withdrawal of confidentiality with all high position bureaucrats, judges and deputies, the abolition of the non-aligned status of Ukraine and effective battle against illegal activities of officials.

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