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30 of October, 14:22

Netanyahu replied firmly on insults The Prime Minister of Israel comment on the statement called him a coward of civil servants of the administration of the President of the United States. Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear that issues of security and unity of Jerusalem are not considered to be a major concern for American politicians.

"Our best interests, especially in the field of security and unity of Jerusalem, is not the main concern of a little-known civil servants who are attacking us, and on me personally. Especially if you observe that these attacks occur in connection with my decision to protect Israel," said Netanyahu.

Despite all the attacks, he promised to continue to protect the country: "I will continue to protect the people of Israel."

Earlier, the speaker of the lower chamber of the Congress of the United States John Boehner announced that the President of the United States, Barack Obama, is to "tidy up" his own administration, to accept that he gained unprofessional team. This statement is a political figure was a response to insults Netanyahu made from the followers of the White house. "The President sets the tone for his administration. He or splits position of its own adherents and agrees with the wording that they allow or not. The time has come to put in order your own house and to inform people about the fact that he gained unprofessional team, and to move on" - quoted political figure of The Hill.

The position of Boehner supported the favorite of the majority in the house of representatives Kevin McCarthy. He expresses the opinion that Obama should issue a public condemnation of similar expressions: "I urge President Obama to firmly protect itself from similar statements, and even to instruct employees of the White house that a similar expression is totally unacceptable. Anonymous insults aimed our allies and known through the media, is a manifestation of amateurism, they are shameful and harmful to American interests, and even cast doubt on the reliability of the United States as international partners."

Meanwhile, adviser on national security of the President of the United States Susan rice announced that practically there is no crisis in relations between Israel and the United States. According to the rice, all the way around, "relationship, in many ways, are as strong as ever. And confirmation is the precedent that President Obama meets with Netanyahu more often than any other foreign leader." "There are issues on which we disagree, as a rule, these are issues relating to Jewish settlements. Within a few 10 s of years the position of the United States other than Israel regarding settlements and their legality," said rice in the air 9 Channel TV.

As written Melbourne Herald sun, unknown adept of the White house has called the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu coward. Official adherents of the presidential administration distanced itself from these words, zawiw that the same individual statements of state officials "of punicalin" and considered only their own point of view.
sections: Politics, World News, Accidents

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