<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
25 of November, 17:21

Media: Poroshenko holds an emergency meeting with security forces
The head of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko holds an emergency meeting With the heads of law enforcement agencies, said Deputy head of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the country Tigran Avagyan at the meeting With experts and members of the Advisory mission to the EU.
" The Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine - approx. OPINION) went to the us (for a meeting), but on the way he was summoned to the meeting with the President, " said Avakian. In addition Arsen Avakov invited to the meeting other heads of security agencies, informs " Ukrainian truth ". First Poroshenko was called of Directors of law enforcement agencies to publicly report on the process of investigating the death of active participants on the Maidan. Since mid-April, the Kyiv authorities are in the East of Ukraine " special operation " to suppress the protest movement in the Donbass. Military is actively used heavy machinery and military aircraft and helicopters. Mentions a large number of killed and wounded among the civilian population and the destruction of the homes of residents and infrastructure.


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