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13 of January, 14:24

Luhansk Governor said about the death of civilians in Happiness,
The Governor of the Luhansk region of Ukraine Gennady Moskal said about the death yesterday as a result of the shelling of the city Happiness, were also injured two employees of the police organization.

According to the Governor, before and last night settlements-controlled Ukraine Lugansk region continued to fire, in the area of the lesion was Happiness, CreditBank, Village, Luhansk, gold, Mining, Chernukhin.

" The most intensive shelling targeted the city of Happiness, which during the day fired from mortars five times. Mines exploded in the area of thermal power plant, close to the bridge over the river Seversky Donets river, near the bus station, close to garden society and the stadium. In the end, one of the fire areas near the filtration point about 1 hour after lunch (14. 00 MSK) was mortally wounded by a local citizen who passed on the street. 53-year-old man's leg was torn off, he died on the spot from loss of blood, " - said on Tuesday on the Internet representation Moskal.

Moskal also said that as a result of the fire injured two police officers guarding the filtration point. Both taken to the hospital.

Against dissatisfied with the February revolution of residents of Donbas Ukrainian authorities early in April a military operation. According to the summary data of the United Nations, victims of the conflict were more than 4, 7 thousands of civilians, more than 10 thousand were injured.

Brokered by Russia and the OSCE militias and the Military agreed in Minsk truce from 5 September. However, the parties accused one another in the violation of the Minsk agreements. On the morning of December 9, in the Donbass began a consistent militias and security forces through the mediation of the OSCE another truce.

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