<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
18 of January, 13:48

Unidentified threw an explosive device at the Kyiv police
Three police officers and two messengers of defense (public establishment for the protection of Kiev) were injured as a result of the explosion in the capital of Ukraine, informs on Sunday, the main Department of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Moscow.

According to the Kyiv Glaucus, in the night of Sunday Unspecified have called the police, saying that the apartment on the street of Prague two unknown raped his young woman.

The police officers together with members of creation coming to the house to place the call and phoned specified in the message apartment. Then the attacker opened the door, threw it in the direction of police officers explosive device and quickly closed the door.

" as a result of the explosion of 3 policemen and two messengers of defense received explosive wounds shoulders and multiple shrapnel injuries of the lower extremities and abdomen. Currently they are in the clinic, " said the report.

during inspection of the property was selected revolver.

Officers continue to search for intruders. Open case under the criminal code in accordance with paragraph "murder" and " encroachment on the life of a police authority, a member of the public establishment for the protection of public order and state border or soldier ".

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