<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
22 of January, 15:48

Military: under the rubble at Donetsk airport have the opportunity to be law Enforcers
Wounded Ukrainian law enforcers have the opportunity to be under the rubble of Donetsk airport terminal, where ongoing armed confrontation between the security forces And the militia of Donbass, but take them as long as there is no possibility, said at a press conference on Thursday authorized the press center special operations security forces Andrei Lysenko.

" Could stay (Ukrainian security forces under the rubble - as amended). It is still possible to evacuate the wounded And dead back) no, because there is an ongoing battle, And in order to start the search, there is no possibility - there is solid fire now, " said Lysenko, answering the question about are under the rubble Wounded And dead bodies.

according to him, the Military continues to hold on the square in Donetsk airport territory control room of the tower And runways, and the airport terminals destroyed.

Ukrainian Military 18 January intensified shelling of Donetsk, Kiev officially acknowledged that the airport city Military is conducting a massive special operation. Both Military and militias report on the control of the airport. Zam. the head of the informational-analytical centre of the Council of necessarily And defense of Ukraine Volodymyr Field was noted that the airport in practice destroyed, the battle has been underway for access roads to the air port.

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