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 Comments to: Yatseniuk: during the 2nd world the USSR invaded the Ukraine and in Germany
8 January, 20:18

Yatseniuk: during the 2nd world the USSR invaded the Ukraine and in Germany
The head of Ukrainian government Arseniy Yatsenyuk in an interview for German television channel said that the Russian Federation is now trying to rewrite " the results of the Second world war.
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11 January, 23:11107
  • Speaking Ukrainian all the interview, he pronounced "invasion" in English. In the afternoon his secretary tried to paper over the cracks, explaining that he meant "the USSR divided Germany". But in response of that, one of Youtube users remarked, Yatsenyuk could mean anything, for instance, that the price for buckwheat changed, but he has said exactly what he said, "INVASION".

    Moscow has required an official answer from Germany. But there is silence up to now. In the light of all this Mrs Merkel looks very poor.

    If I were Putin, I would stop any contacts unless the official answer is given.

    By the way, Soviet "invasion" in Germany equally means invasion both by the USA and GB, since they were allies.
  • 10 January, 13:03106
  • Yats is clueless! If it wasn't for EU and US money he would be lucky to get a job as a road cleaner.

    Why he is allowed to parade on the world stage as the PM of a fascist leadership amazes me and everyone I know! Corruption at its highest level.

    As for his 'knowledge' of history that is pure comedy. He's not the sharpest tool in the box is he! A stupid tool, yes!
  • [see all comments]

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