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26 of October, 16:58

Scientists have created a new special paint for road marking
In Krasnoyarsk have tested the new composition of the special paint for road markings. The developers assure that it will endure even the most severe weather conditions, the composition is resistant to damage.
Workers hope that such markings will not wear off and will help to reduce the number of accidents in the region.

The white solid and dashed. Yellow for the pedestrian Zebra, orange for temporary markings. In this lab road paint feel on the top ten parameters. Drying time to 10 minutes and good flow properties. The paint, which was developed by the Krasnoyarsk chemists, kept on the road much longer than usual. Heavy-duty paint chemists have designed especially for Siberian conditions, where the winter road season lasts six months. At this time, the road can not refresh the layout.

This year winter started especially early. Already in the middle of October the snow came the machinery. Turns, crossroads and pedestrian crossings liberally spiked sandy mixture. These measures allow drivers to confidently drive a car, but for road marking such care is contraindicated. Recipe of paint, which can withstand such loads, the chemists searched for 2 years. Mixing different ingredients and changed the proportions until I got the desired result. The formula is kept secret, but they say that heavy-duty paint, the cost does not differ from those of the coatings, which used to enjoy the road.

Laboratory tests give a good result. But the real test is, of course, the Russian way. Ground for the new paint has become a common Krasnoyarsk street. Chose one of the busiest sections. That road paint is different, the polygon can be seen immediately. Each strip is a separate grade of the road surface. Markup there delivered simultaneously in mid-summer. Now some of the bands left a subtle shadow, and the samples applied to the new paint still clearly visible. Krasnoyarsk road builders made a choice in favor of the new paint.

Discovery chemists interested in another Siberian region - the Republic of Tuva. There is an innovative coating were used for marking the runway of the local airport.

sections: Society, Region News

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How are you doing, S How are you doing, S

25 of December, 16:16


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