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  Nature & Health 
2 of March, 20:34

Struggle with bird flu assumed commercial character
The struggle with "bird flu" assumed character of a commercial project, thinks director of Scientific-Investigative Institute of flu, academician Oleg Kiselev.

"Bird flu became akin to commercial project recently. The panic, which was stimulated by mass media artificially in many respects, has led to record expenses for bird flu vaccine", - announced Kisilev during Russian-Italian conference "Actual issues of socially important virus infections", which was held in Nizhniy Novgorod.

Kiselev admitted the significance of search for vaccine but paid attention of conference participants to necessity of disease origin exposure and bird flu spread prevention.

Investigations proved that the main cause for bird flu spread became huge overpopulation of China - the country-nidus of infection - where about 50 thousand people per 1 sq. km live. Close vicinity of domestic and migrant birds in Chinese reservoirs also had an influence on disease spread.

At present moment infectiologists work on bird flu pesthole liquidation and investigation of virus mutation abilities.

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