<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
14 of April, 12:00

The IMF hopes that Kiev will negotiate with creditors until June
Ukraine must come to a consensus with its creditors to restructure its debt prior to scheduled for June review of the IMF program, the Foundation hopes on the fulfillment of these conditions, said 1st Deputy Director of the IMF David Lipton.

first Finance Minister of Ukraine Natalie Jaresko said that Kyiv plans to restructure about fifteen billion dollars of debt. The narrative is, as well as among them, and about debt to Russia, which is necessary before the end of the year to transfer $ 3 billion as part of repayment of eruobond. To come to a consensus with creditors Kiev hopes till summer before the estimated arrival of the IMF mission.

"extremely important for Ukraine and its creditors reached an agreement in Accordance with these three parameters and made It to our view of the program in June. We would like this result, and look forward to it. This will be an important factor in the context of the revision (program - ed.). As well as the IMF requires assurances that the reforms in Ukraine will be successful, So We would like assurances that funding is secured ", - quotes the expression Lipton of the IMF resident representative office in Ukraine.

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