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22 of April, 15:01

The specialists found at the scene of the disaster Boeing in Ukraine remains fresh
A group of specialists from the Netherlands found at the crash site Malaysian Boeing in the East of Ukraine the fresh remains of the deceased in a plane crash and the wreckage of the airliner.

"A lot of human remains was discovered in the first few days of this mission ", - quotes Agency the message of the Ministry of justice of the Netherlands.

in addition, in the process of prospecting specialists confiscated from the event, a number of aircraft wreckage and personal belongings of the deceased, among them jewelry, passports and photos. It clarifies the Agency, all things found and the remains will be taken to Kharkiv, from where they are transported to the Netherlands.

Dutch experts have begun the current search operation last week, work is underway near the village of Petropavlovka.

earlier it was stated that international experts from the Netherlands and Malaysia will stay in the Donbass about 3 weeks and will be together with representatives of the Ministry of emergency situations DND to investigate the cause of the crash. However, later the head of the Ministry of emergency situations DND Alex Kostrowicki said that a search operation at the crash site Malaysian Boeing 777 in the Donbass have the opportunity to be completed Earlier than planned.
The Boeing 777, EN route flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed near Donetsk on July 17. In the cabin of the ship were 298 people, they all died. The Kyiv authorities have charged disaster militias, they told that does not have the means that would shoot down aircraft at this altitude. In the preliminary report on the inquiry says that the plane broke up in flight due to structural damage caused by external impact of multiple high-energy objects ", but the source of these objects install failed. The proceedings shall be conducted under the direction of the Netherlands.

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