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24 of April, 11:00

Boyko: the Ukrainian authorities are sabotaging the implementation of the Minsk agreements
The Ukrainian authorities are sabotaging the implementation of the Minsk agreements on resolving the conflict situation in the Donbass, said in an interview Last news the leader of the parliamentary faction "Opposition bloc" Yuriy Boyko.

"without a doubt, the advantage is that stopped dying EN masse citizens, but otherwise, with regard to further progress on the Minsk agreements And pinning them at the legislative level, unfortunately, there is no movement. And We see the intentional failure to follow the Authorities ", - said Boyko. According to his statement, opposing political force has prepared a number of draft laws aimed at implementing the Minsk agreements, however, their consideration in Parliament stalled." We see this as an unwillingness of the Government to fully implement the Minsk agreement ", - said the politician.

review Boyko, if the situation in the Donbass will remain in the same form as in the present time, these areas have the opportunity to become a second Transnistria. At the same time, the leader of the Opposition bloc believes that, At a given time ought in full force to implement the Minsk agreement - for example, in local elections, to restore economic relations, banking system And social payments.

The Ukrainian authorities began in April last year in the Donbass military operation against dissatisfied with the coup d'etat of residents of the region. According to the summary data of the UN, the victims of the conflict began more than 6 thousand people. The problem of settlement of the Ukrainian fall under negotiation in different formats, for example, at the meetings of the contact group in Minsk with the mediation of Russia And the OSCE.

The next meeting of the contact group on February 12 ended with the adoption of a package of measures on execution of the Minsk agreements, involving, for example, the ceasefire in the Donbas with fifteen February, the withdrawal of heavy weapons And the development of the security zone. Soon after informing truce in the Donbass resumed shooting, the parties blame each other in violation of the "silence" And report that conduct only return fire.

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