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19 of May, 19:30

Residence of the Ambassador of Russia in Kiev requires meetings with detainees in the Donbass
Residence of the Ambassador of Russia in Kiev demands consular officers detained in the Luhansk region by the Russians to assist them, told on Tuesday at the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

"The residence of the Russian Ambassador in Kiev has demanded consular staff meeting held with residents of the Russian Federation in order to provide them with the necessary assistance in Accordance with the norms of international law ", - reported in the explanations of the Ministry of foreign Affairs.

The Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, as you know, already informed that the citizens are not active military personnel of the Russian military power.

Kiev said on may 16 in the process of clash detained in Donbass like 2 Russian soldiers During clashes died one Ukrainian military. The authorities LNR said that two militia fighters - Evgeny Erofeev and Alexander Alexandrov - during battle, were wounded and were captured by Ukrainian security forces. On Tuesday, the Russian defense Ministry stated that the prisoners are residents of the Russian Federation, but at the time of his arrest was not a valid military military power of the Russian Federation.

According to the adviser of the head of the security service of Ukraine Markiyan Lubkivsky, Kiev At this point of time is not received from the capital of Russia any queries regarding the fate captured in the Donbas Russian citizens.

The official representative of the General staff of Ukraine Vladislav Seleznyov said Tuesday Last news , what to speak of the transmission of the RF captured within the self-proclaimed Luhansk people's Republic to the citizens of Russia will be possible only after Kiev will clarify the question of their possible belonging to the death of the Ukrainian military in the Donbass and will take a procedural decision. Kiev also said that the status of the arrested Russian citizens satisfactory, they are on treatment.

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