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2 of June, 13:33

Lavrov: the Inclusion of the USA in Normandy format may destabilize the peace process in Ukraine
The extension channel format and the inclusion of the capital of the United States may destabilize the peace process in Ukraine, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia S. Lavrov In..

"If all the members of the contact group, the Normandy format, I want to change them, We will not object. But I think Americans understand that everything is so fragile that any "newbie" can unbalance the process, "he said, reports RIA "Novosti" referring to Bloomberg. In addition, Lavrov said that the Russian Federation and the United States agreed to maintain a two-way channel of contact for dialogue on Ukraine." We (Kerry) has agreed to maintain contact periodically between Moscow and Washington to share our assessments and to see how We (both sides) can affect the sides (of the conflict) in order to help the comprehensive implementation of the Minsk agreements ", - said the Minister. In the same interview with the Minister of foreign Affairs said that the new reboot in relations between the Russian capital and the capital of the U.S., But the parties are pragmatic and realistic dialogue.

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