Researchers from the new York research center conducted a series of experiments in which learned that oral sex can increase the level of IQ at the fairer sex. Besides all this, they proved that it can be useful and makes women happy.
Taking into account the opinion of American scientists, there is a specific connection between oral sex and increased mental abilities. Professionals conducted a survey among women aged 25 to 55 years about their preferences in bed. Also, they conducted an analysis on the level of intelligence and care of women and learned their memory and nervous system.
The result researchers have found that ladies who prefer oral sex common, have a higher level of intelligence, better perceive and memorize information. In addition, these representatives of the fair half of mankind more sensual and softer in bed.
Surprisingly, this kind of intimate relations helps to improve memory and focus ladies. They are more collected and careful, do not suffer from insomnia and have a strong nervous system. This is explained by the fact that in the male sperm - a high level of serotonin, one of the main neurotransmitters that provide beneficial effects on the Central nervous system.
Not be amiss to note that serotonin is also called hormone of happiness. So, considering the opinion of the researchers, oral sex makes girls happy. Previously, the French experts have proven that sex is 80% reduces the risk of cancer. With all this intimacy must be at least 6 times a week. sections: World News, Society