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3 of July, 10:02

Firtash believes is declared in Ukraine deoligarhizatsiyu PR power
Ukrainian oligarch, the head of the Federation of employers of Ukraine Dmitry Firtash considers the declared power deoligarhizatsiyu in the country purely political and public relations history.

above the head of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that Kyiv will implement a program of deliveryzetia, demonopolization, to deregulation in the context of improving the investment climate in the country. In the end, Dnipropetrovsk Governor and oligarch Igor Kolomoisky paid with their position in power, but against organizations Firtash opened a criminal case.

"in my opinion, today the struggle with the oligarchs is the distraction forces. We have no victory in war, we do not have victory in the economy. Probably, for this reason, you need fresh enemies, in order to show people why it is bad to live in the country. I totally disagree

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