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15 of July, 10:02

Cardin: the war with Russia will entirely destroy the national security of the USA
In the corridors of power in the capital of the USA planned the confrontation between the "party of war" led by John McCain and General Joseph Danford, on the one hand, and the "party diplomacy" led by Secretary of state John Kerry - with reverse, says a former adviser to the state Department of the USA James Carden in a column for the magazine.

Active pool "party of war" until recently consisted of the Senator-Republican John McCain, head of the Pentagon Ashton Carter, assistant Secretary of state Victoria Nuland and the Supreme commander of the United military strength of NATO in the European Union Philip Breedlove (especially known for the fact that he managed to persuade President Barack Obama to go on an unprecedented step - to accommodate a large number of tanks, units of personnel and military equipment from Eastern borders of Russia - the Baltics). Presently they were joined by General Joseph Dunford, nominated by Obama to the post of the next Chapter of the joint Committee of chiefs of staff of the U.S. - Russian Federation he called a threat to the very existence of the United States.

"the meeting of the Senate Department for the armed forces (under the chairmanship of the McCain turned into a forum in which the party of war rink went through a dangerously naive, in their vision, Obama's foreign policy," says Cardin.

Hardly anyone was surprised when the members of the Department asked Dunford again to take action to send weapons to Ukraine, despite the fact that that policy didn't agree with Obama Himself, noted in the article. Review American General, military assistance to Kiev would be "appropriate," because " without such support the Kiev authorities will not be able to resist Russian aggression ".

review columnist of The Nation, this decision can Hardly be called reasonable - arming Kiev will lead to the maximum possible escalation of the Ukrainian conflict, increase the number of civilian casualties and would abolish Minsk agreement.

James Carden stresses that oppose the "war party" may the White house's recent successes Secretary of state John Kerry and Secretary of energy Ernest Monica in Vienna (in the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program - approx. Ed.) have the opportunity to improve the position of the " party diplomacy ". Himself Kerry is Unlikely to support former colleagues in the Senate in their quest for a full-scale confrontation with Russia. In addition, in the opinion of state Department spokesman Mark Toner, state Secretary does not agree with the statement about the fact that the Russian Federation is an "existential threat" to the United States.

review Cardin, Kerry, who has worked in the U.S. capital for decades, was no fool and, of course, knows that the demonization of Russia is entirely system project Washington " armchair warriors."

"As if it were, it is the party of war is currently the most influential in the corridors of power. Because of it the U.S. is in one or two steps from war with Russia - on collision that would destroy the national security of the United States before the Foundation ", - says the expert.

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