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16 of March, 12:46

The man who makes presidents look presidential Tailoring American leaders for the past 40 years, the aficionado of presidential fashion Mr. Georges de Paris is expected to take care of Barack Obama?s looks - and the First Lady too.

His story is that of rags to riches.

Many years ago, he followed his love from France to Washington DC, but things quickly turned for the worst in this new country, and Georges found himself homeless, forcing him to sleep on park benches.

He managed to save 20 of the 60 dollars he earned a week. Eventually he realised his dream of opening a tailor shop. Back then George did not have a sewing machine, and got by with just three needles.

The first sewing machine Georges bought is one he still holds dear. It has helped him to create suits and dresses for former first ladies, world leaders like Tony Blair and presidents such as Ronald Reagan.

The latter was ?a nice personality? and his favorite client.

In fact, when it comes to who to dress, seems like Mr. de Paris prefers the Republicans. Unlike much of the rest of the world, he actually had some kind words for George W. Bush. He says Bush is ?nice? and that the former US President jokingly calls him GDP.

In the near future, Georges will be servicing the new president Barack Obama. The tailor says he wants Obama style be ?modern classique?.

As far as the first lady goes, tailor and designer de Paris isn?t too impressed so far. Speaking about her famous white dress Michelle Obama was wearing at the inauguration ceremony, he says ?one line is not for her?.

So next on his to sew list may be something more fitting for the new first lady.

A call from the White House may come anytime, and Monsieur de Paris is there in his shop - with his sewing machine and ruler, ready and waiting to make US leaders look presidential.
sections: Culture

Source: Russia Today
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