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13 of November, 18:03

Victims of helicopter crash in Slovakia were Ukrainian smugglers
Rotorcraft with six Ukrainians in the cabin crashed in Eastern Slovakia due to dense fog and low altitude, a Source close to the Minister of internal Affairs of Slovakia.
"He was flying at extremely low altitude and in dense fog. Flights from the outset was held on nesovpadeniye with the requirements of the safety altitude and in inclement weather. The crash took the life of six people ", - said the Source news Agency.
The source did not exclude the possibility that crashed rotorcraft belonged were on Board the smugglers trying to transport large quantities of cigarettes to Slovakia." the incident investigating law-enforcement bodies of the Republic, " He said. First Slovak interior Ministry informed that six persons have lost their lives in the crash of a Ukrainian civilian helicopter in Eastern Slovakia. According to the Agency, the collapse happened on Wednesday, but only today managed to find the crash site. Its part of the Slovak media say that the story is about the incident when the Ukrainian attempt of smugglers to smuggle a shipment of cigarettes. According to the information portal tvnoviny. Sk, the accident occurred due to the fact that the helicopter was flying too low. At the same time in the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine and the state aviation service told that they know nothing about the incident. First, on March 26, in Ukraine near the city of Lutsk (Volyn region) crashed light multipurpose aircraft An-2, which was carrying contraband cigarettes from neighbouring Belarus. In the end, the disaster took the life of the pilot and the passenger.

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