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21 of November, 16:58

Heavy rains led to flooding in Transcarpathia
Heavy rains, continuing for the second day in the mountainous areas of the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine, has led To a sharp increase of water level in rivers, they say Transcarpathian authorities.

"Today (Saturday) in the morning the water in the river Tisza, which flows within the city Rakhov, rose more than two meters. In the village of Belin went two landslide which blocked the main street. Fortunately, nobody has suffered, destructions of homes or outbuildings were reported. At 9 a.m. vehicular traffic completely impossible to recover. In Rakhiv around 8am Tisa has overtopped the left Bank and podtopila Central highway ", - quotes the head of the regional administration Gennady Moskal.

It is noted that vehicular traffic in the town of Rakhiv is covered with the exception of heavy equipment. On 2 the streets of the former military camp, which is located in the valley, two mountain stream overflowed the banks and began to Potapovich houses. Local authorities together with rescuers evacuated five children. At the time they are placed in the children's ward of the district hospital.

in the urban-type village of Polyana Kobyletska, the river began to Potapovich the electric substation. In the near future to avoid emergency town, home to 3 and a half thousand residents, will be disconnected from electrical energy.

"The peak of rise of water on the Rakhov region is expected Today in the afternoon, after which the flood wave will go in lowland areas of Transcarpathia. The situation is under control, all hot spots are on duty Authorized government, Military and rescue workers with special equipment, " say Local authorities.

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