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28 of July, 16:53

SpaceX is now valued at $21 billion SpaceX is one of the world's most valuable private companies. According to Equidate, the company is in the exploration of outer space, headed by the Director General of Tesla Elon Musk, recently brought another $350 million, reaching $21 billion.

SpaceX is among an exclusive group of private companies in the U.S. who have multi-billion dollar valuation. Currently, only about half a dozen companies in the world reached $20 billion, according to a list compiled by CBInsights, the developer.

These include the world's largest private company Uber, the cost of which is estimated at nearly $70 billion, and Airbnb, which is worth more than $30 billion While Uber, Airbnb and other so-called "unicorns" are focused on more traditional markets - the ultimate goal of SpaceX is to put people on Mars.

Missile production has long been exclusively the work of governments and huge legacy aerospace companies such as Boeing and United Launch Alliance. The General consensus is that space exploration is too risky, and the construction of the rocket is too expensive for the private sector. SpaceX changed all that.

SpaceX has developed a way to recover their rockets after the launch. After some trial and error, the company has mastered the maneuver, and twice sent the used rocket back into space, having excellent performance for both runs. SpaceX also plans to make the first privatized trip to the moon in December.
sections: World News, Economics

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