<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
31 of October, 18:04

Russia will simplify the collection of small fines The head of the Federal bailiff service Dmitry Aristov told how to work the simplified system of charging drivers with fines in the amount of not more than three thousand.

according to his statement, they will be recovered in the electronic mode without the initiation of enforcement proceedings.

Notification will be via the information system to provide state and municipal services, explained Aristov in the interview to " Rossiyskaya Gazeta ".

at the same time that the bailiff will send a request to the Bank to find out whether the debtor accounts and funds on them. If you have money and the lack of information about payment of the fine, the Bank will write off the amount.

The head of the Federal bailiff service said that the simplified procedure provides for the recovery from the debtor of performing collection, that is the additional amount over the compulsory cancellation of debt.

Aristov has noticed that in the first phase on a voluntary payment of the fine will take two days.

"in the end, after the fact, how it gets to bailiffs, the driver of the penalty box somehow pay a performance fee. It is 7 %, but More than a thousand rubles. Turns out, When the overdue fine of five hundred rubles will have to pay 1, 5 thousand ",
sections: Politics

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