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20 of June, 00:04

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday in 17-th time talk with the Russians in the format of a Straight line.

Communication leader of the country with residents will begin at noon, it will broadcast the " 1st channel ", "Russia 1 "" Russia 24 ", " NTV ", " OTR ", " MIR ", radio " Mayak ", "Vesti FM" and " Radio of Russia ". A live webcast of the event will also be available to users of social networks. Reception problems started with 8. 00 GMT on 9 June and will last until the end of the program June 20.

On the date of the "Direct line with President of Russia Vladimir Putin" was announced on June 9, over the past few days from citizens of Russia received more than a million problems.

Traditional television straight lines appeared during Putin's First term. The first was held on 24 December 2001. Then Putin received 400 thousand problems. Despite the fact that the broadcast lasted about 2. 5 hours, an hour longer than the scheduled time, answer got Only 46 problems. The head has promised the Russians that will answer their Questions live. To the second Straight line in 2002, the citizens asked the President for about 1, 5 million problems.

As told before the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov, the preparations for the Direct line of Putin spent Tuesday and Wednesday. According to his statement, the head of the studied set of reference materials that are sent traditionally to the ministries and departments, and, if necessary, contacted the Ministers and heads of various authorities, as well As watched " an array of requests of Residents ".

last year, the format of the event was changed: Putin was in touch with members of the government and regional authorities in the new format, using conference calls when needed to resolve the issue, give instruction or clarification. Later, the Manager told me that he asked the partners From the government and From the regions to be connected, in their own classrooms.

According to Peskov, this year Putin will be able if necessary to contact the governors, Ministers and government members during a Straight line.

"It will be an already-established format of the event. The President will be able, if necessary, to contact for certain issues and with the governors and with Ministers, members of the government - such a connection is provided, " he said. Peskov added that in General It will be a classic format, with a focus on content, to answer the maximum number of real problems of real people.

in a press-service of the government Last news said that all of the Cabinet members will be in their places in a Straight line. Workplaces over the course of the communication with the Russian President will be accompanied by governors. But the State Duma decided to cancel the plenary meeting of the faction were asked to provide them with the opportunity to see a direct line with the President because what is happening affects their constituencies and in General the members of the " interesting answers to Questions that will sound ".

Speaking About the quantity of problems, Peskov said that it is influenced by different factors, and it may increase, As has happened in previous years. According to his statement, " it happens 1 week dynamics of accumulation of problems and lower it abruptly increases closer to the air, sometimes Vice versa ", and on the number of appeals can affect even the weather - because in the heat of the people less watching TV and Not sit in front of a computer.

"A variety of factors, for this reason I have Not made any conclusions About the decrease of interest. The interest is still huge, the format is still extremely popular and obliges us to a great job ", - said Peskov.

The questions that citizens of Russia would like Putin to ask in the process of a Straight line June 20, relate to both external and domestic policy: Residents concerned about Russia's relations with other countries, the environmental problems, the increase in salaries and social benefits, support for large tariff increase.

written to the President of Russia Not only want the citizens of Russia and oceanographer Jean-Michel Cousteau was sent to a straight line with Putin a question About the life of killer whales From the "whale jail" in Primorye. The text of the letter posted on the Internet representation of Cousteau's project " Whale sanctuary ". In it, a scientist writes that he was honored to visit Primorye, together with the Ministry of environment, the regional administration and scientists of VNIRO to assess the health of killer whales and belugas.

As can be seen From the etheric grid of the "First channel" and " Russia 1 ", in a direct line with Putin television channels took 3 hours - just Like last year, But Then the line lasted 4 hours and 20 minutes. Only in 2018 received over 2 million hits, the President answered 73 questions. The majority of the Questions asked by the head of the country, dealt with social issues in the housing sector, economy, sports. The President also asked unusual Questions About the activities of bloggers, the closure of part of social networking, bitcoin, his successor, faith in God.

position 21. 00 on June 19 to a Straight line with the President received 1 315 763 question. Of those, 777 431 were received by phone, 347 172 applications were sent via SMS and MMS, another 67 700 complaints were received through the website. In addition, 72 612 problems were sent via the mobile app, 50 848 cases presented in social networks.

The main topics Direct line with President Vladimir Putin this year have the opportunity to become the implementation of projects, provision of pensions, increase public surveillance and international relations, according to respondents Last news political Scientists. Experts agreed that increased attention during a conversation with the people Manager will pay to the problems, concerning socio-economic situation in the country.

Analyst, senior lecturer of MGIMO Alexey Zudin believes that because this Straight line is the First after the revision of the order of retirement, Questions on such information is inevitable. General Director of the Center for Political information Alexei Mukhin, for their part, conceded that " Putin will have to recognize the serious lag in the timing of the implementation of the implementation of the may decree 2018."

the head "Political expert group" political Analyst Konstantin Kalachev believes that in addition to the national projects Manager also will talk About new technologies, About the digital economy On economic diversification in General, the decline in exports of non-oil items. Among other alleged socio-economic topics experts have called the condition of improvement, quality of housing and roads, availability and quality of health and education services, income of residents, the problems with export and garbage recycling, the environment and illegal activity of officials.

The scientists also agreed that made a lot of noise, the case of journalist Ivan Golunova, And After him the ensuing discussion about changing the anti-drug law will also be reflected in the questions addressed to the President. In this example, I'm sure the Head of the Center for strategic communications Dmitry Abzalov. No cost, a Direct line to the President and without the problems associated with foreign policy of Russia, according to experts.

"I think most importantly, what these lines are - That citizens felt the adequacy of the President their expectations, attitudes and needs. To the mood after viewing was better than the mood before viewing, "said the Analyst Kalachev, who believes that most Russian citizens still perceive the country As" the last window of hope, And sometimes even As a magician or Santa Claus ".

two days before the event the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov told About powerful cyber attacks From abroad before last Straight line with Putin.

"a few days before the last Straight line and the Straight line, and the two largest of the channel has been subjected to a powerful DDoS attack, which the sources abroad. Here, I have the opportunity to state this case. Such manifestations are many, and This is Not a new practice. New in this story is that the First time information about It begins to seep in the United States of America Is New in this story, " said Sands correspondents.

on the First day of the week, a source in the leadership of one Of the Russian law enforcement agencies said that the Russian capture attempts of the special services of North America to conduct cyber attacks relative to systems administration of the Russian infrastructure. According to his statement, foreign intelligence in the last few years with increasing activity trying to infiltrate the system of management of the Russian infrastructure story is, most importantly, On transport, banking and energy.

However, As stated Last news in the press service of " Rostelecom ", now serious hacker attacks that could affect direct line with Vladimir Putin, on documented.

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