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16 of August, 02:04

The head of the United States Donald trump is considering the idea of purchasing Greenland - the world's largest island that belongs to Denmark, writes the print Edition of the wall Street Journal referring to informed sources in the White house.

According to the magazine, trump a lot of times asked his advisers whether the United States to buy Greenland, and listened with interest to the discussion of the island's resources and its geopolitical importance. Among the issues discussed - the Opportunity to make a wider American military presence in the Arctic. It is noted that the Director even asked the White house counsel to conduct legal examination of the project.

certain of the advisors trump endorsed the plan, calling it economically feasible, and at the same time, others believe that the story is about "passing fancy" of the President, which is never realized. How seriously the trump refers to this idea, unknown, recognized by the authors of the material.

in may, Greenland was obliged to visit the United States Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, but the trip was cancelled due to the escalation of tension in relations with Iran.

the journal recalls, it's not the first attempt of the capital of the United States to buy Greenland. After the Second world war, the head of Harry Truman offered Denmark for her $ 100 million, but was refused. The opportunity to purchase the island in 1867, studied the U.S. state Department.

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