<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
20 of November, 02:04

In Damascus in the night of Wednesday, the explosions, state TV informs that the air defense of Syria reflects an attack on the city and its surroundings.

The first explosions, according to the journalist Last news was heard around 01. 30 local time (02. 30 GMT) at intervals of about five seconds.

as of 01. 45 occurred More than twenty bombings, the frequency is reduced, the intervals between them are about 2 minutes.

according to the Syrian Ikhbariya a result, the air defense of Syria reflects " the enemy attack "." Several missiles shot down South of Damascus ", - transmits television channel.

on the Syrian objects, as well as among them in the Central district, makes regular attacks Israel, explaining such actions by the desire to prevent the attack from Pro-Iranian forces from Syria.

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