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26 of January, 05:04

Minister for foreign Affairs of Austria Alexander Kallenberg said in an interview to the newspaper Wiener Zeitung that shares the opinion about the fact that in the long-term stability and security in the European Union is possible only together with Russia.

According to the Minister, there was a chance that the Russian Federation will be part of a "society with Western values," but the country went on its own path.

"When it comes, I'm always happy to quote the Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier. He said that in the long-term stability and security in the European Union is possible only together with Russia, not in opposition to it, " said Kallenberg.

He added that Austria had always tried to keep open channels for dialogue." Mutual game in a silence never before has anyone brought nothing, " said the diplomat, pointing out that dialogue does not mean abandoning one's own values.

before the new government of Austria has published a work programme, which reported on the continuation of the policy of mitigation of punishment against Russia. The program also said that the government would continue to develop Russian-Austrian public forum " Sochi dialogue ".

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