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22 of November, 08:59

New plenipotentiary in Far-Eastern region starts his work Vladivostok, November 22 - The new plenipotentiary of the Russian president in the Far Eastern region Khamil Iskhakov met with the governor of Magadan district Nicholay Dudov.

Press-service of the plenipotentiary informed that two leaders discussed social-economic situation in the district. The governor underlined the fact that over last five years the volume of gross domestic product has steady tendency of development.

Dudov declared that administration of the region intends to develop several new fields of industrial production: spirit, chemical, refining industry, production of construction materials.

After the meeting with Dudov, Iskhakov visited the Yakut president Vyacheslav Shtirov and the governor of the Amur district Leonid Korotkov. They discussed the questions of realization of principal programs and national projects.
sections: Politics, Region News
areas: Far East region

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