<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
4 of December, 06:49

Victory of "United Russia" in Chechnya was confirmed "United Russia" has won the most of electors? voices in both houses of Chechen parliament,
that was confirmed during the concluding meeting of the central election committee of the republic.

According to official results of parliament elections, which were held on last Sunday, "United Russia" got 33 mandates of 58 in both houses of parliament.

Communist party of Russian Federation took the second place with six deputies.

Union of Right Forces collected four mandates and "Eurasian Union" had one place. Other five parties could not get over 5% barrier that was set by the legislation about elections.

14 candidates who nominated themselves independently became deputies.

According to the data announced by the chairman of the Chechen central election committee Ismail Baikhanov the attendance was 69.59%

The first election

334 persons, independent candidates were competing on the election besides of the representatives of eight parties. This was the first election to Chechen parliament since the republic was returned under control of federal forces. The previous election to parliament took place in the time of Aslan Maskhadov?s presidency.
sections: Politics, Region News
areas: Southern region

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