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18 of June, 16:28

Frontier service of Ukraine considered promising idea to isolate itself from Russia by the wall
The idea of the head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional state administration billionaire Igor Kolomoisky to isolate Ukraine from Russia wall is promising but too expensive, said the assistant head of the Ukrainian state border service Sergey Astakhov.
" As for the proposal, then it is very interesting and promising, but now realize it is very difficult, " said Astakhov. In his vision, " the cost of this project will be ten times more than the announced ", RIA " Novosti ". He cited the example of the construction of the wall on the border between Israel and Palestine, where the construction is 10 years and is still not completed." on it (the wall between Israel and Palestine) construction spent huge amounts of money. Is Ukraine ready at this stage to detect such funding, there is some doubt ", - noticed Astakhov. 13 June Kolomoisky has made the initiative to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to isolate Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkov region from Russia's wall, engineering and the project was submitted to the presidential administration. According to Kolomoisky, the cost of installing the protective fences for 1 920 thousand kilometers of the state border will be about 50 million euros. The total cost of engineering work on creating such a boom will amount to 100 million euros.

sections: Politics

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