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25 of June, 12:25

Mila kunis broke down because of Ukraine Pregnant Mila kunis broke down in consequence of questions about the situation in Ukraine. The actress was outraged that the photographers as they say discuss with her is when she practically all existing life served in the US, where he moved when she was 7 years old.

Beloved Ashton Kutcher knows that any statement on this issue threatens to turn into a scandal, therefore prefer not to share with the tabloids own political views. For a long time Mila avoided discussion of Ukraine with representatives of the media, but those periodically plagued the corresponding questions.

The next time when the reporter tried to speak with kunis about unrest in Ukraine, the actress broke down and it exploded angry phrase. "I'm a hundred interviews have already talked about our moving to America. For parents and brother, who at the time was 13 years old, to adapt to the new country was many times more difficult than me. And I know, what will be your next question, so let's just miss him," said Mila correspondent Stephen uitti from the newspaper Star-Ledger, who persuaded actress for the interview, assuring that the talk is only about the movie.

But after a pause kunis indignantly continued. "You want to ask me what I think about what is being done at the moment in Ukraine. Just because I lived there for 7 years. But this does not mean that me until the end of life need to associate with Ukraine," said Stephen actress, adding that do not will share their opinions about the situation in her home country and does not want to further discuss with anyone the subject.

Next kunis attempted to make amends for their own rather rude response, explaining uitti, which had planned to talk about the movie. "But still, my words about Ukraine exactly would get into the header. I give an interview and imagine what it will be, but the author has his vision. And often my interview look absolutely differently, do not turn out the way they were in fact", - complained the star. Mila extremely unnerving when her words coming out of context and presented in a different light, because with journalists it communicates very reluctantly.
sections: World News, Celebrities

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