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25 of June, 15:00

Matvienko: the Crisis in Ukraine cannot be resolved without Russia
The speaker of Council of Federation Valentina Matvienko said that the crisis in Ukraine cannot be resolved without the participation of the capital of Russia And its interests, noting that the Russian Federation will not close their eyes to violations of the rights of ethnic Russians And Russian-speaking people in Ukraine.
" Today, It was already confirmed that to settle the situation in Ukraine without taking into account the wishes of Russia, without the participation of Russia is impossible. For this reason, I dream that will prevail pragmatic approach, common sense In establishing, developing interaction between the 2 neighbouring States, between 2 fraternal peoples, " She said on air of television channel " Russia 24 " once the Federation Council cancelled the decision on use of Russian armed forces in Ukraine. This Matvienko said that the Russian Federation will conduct the monitoring of the situation in the South-East of Ukraine." The situation in the South-East (Ukraine) remains tense. Of course, Russia will continue monitoring the situation in all possible ways, and among them, with the involvement of our Western partners contribute to finding a peaceful solution. Naturally, we can't stay aside, " - said She. In addition, " Russia sends humanitarian cargo, allocates financial support to the residents of the South-East (Ukraine). This work will continue until full stabilize the situation in the Southeast, " said Matvienko, RIA " Novosti ". She also said that Moscow will not close their eyes to violations of the rights of ethnic Russians And Russian-speaking people in Ukraine." If will infringe on the rights of ethnic Russians, the Ukrainians who belong to the Russian... And other human rights violations, we have enough forms, methods and tools for protection And our compatriots And, as we say, authorized Russian world. This does not mean that revoked This ruling, we now will close my eyes, If the violation of the rights of people, " said Matvienko." Themselves, And in dialogue with our Western partners And the Ukrainian authorities we will look, earnestly seek the solution to these issues, " She added. First Russian senators voted for the proposal of the President centuries Putin to cancel the decision about using Russian military power in the square of Ukraine. Remember, on Tuesday the press-Secretary of the head of the country Dmitry Peskov said that the head was sent to the Federation Council in the name of the head Valentina Matvienko, the letter in which has made the proposal to cancel the decree on the use of military power of the Russian Federation on the square of Ukraine ". Peskov explained, because It was done " in order to normalize the situation And settlement provisions in the Eastern regions of Ukraine, and similarly in connection with the beginning of trilateral negotiations on this issue ". The Federation Council on urgent meeting March 1, unanimously adopted an appeal to the RF President centuries Putin about the use of the military power of Russia in the square of Ukraine. However, since the adoption of the decision of the Russian soldiers to Ukraine was not deployed, as commented in the Foreign Ministry, the resolution of the Federation Council does not mean that it will be implemented immediately.

sections: Politics

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