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3 of July, 14:28

Lavrov tried to persuade the West to persuade Kiev to follow the Declaration of truce
Western countries are obliged to persuade Ukraine to follow adopted the Berlin Declaration on the settlement of the fall in the East of the country, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia S. Lavrov Century after talks With the colleague from Morocco Salaheddin Metarom.
" In order to execute the Declaration, which yesterday was adopted in Berlin, a decisive role, in my opinion, have to play Western colleagues to convince the Kyiv authorities of the need to follow the call that the Declaration committed. The appeal concerns the tasks of the early convening of a liaison group To negotiate on a bilateral basis lasting and durable ceasefire, " said the Russian Minister, RIA " Novosti ". On Wednesday at a meeting in Berlin of the head of the foreign ministries of Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France adopted a Declaration, in which, for example, Reported that the contact group on the settlement of the situation in the East of Ukraine must re-start its work no later than July 5. In consultations in this format participating Authorized Kiev, Eastern Ukraine, Russia and OSCE. For his part, the Deputy head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin said that the exact date and venue of the next round of consultations in the framework of the contact group on the settlement of the situation in the East of Ukraine until not defined, in the capital of Russia proceed from the fact that these meetings must take place on the territory of Ukraine. Remember, the first day of the week ended with the expiration of the truce in the East of Ukraine. The head of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that it would not extend it. Media referring to sources reported that the Ukrainian authorities will impose martial law in the field. Since mid-April, the Kyiv authorities are in the East of Ukraine " special operation " To suppress the protest movement in Donbass. Security forces are actively using heavy artillery and combat aircraft. Mentions numerous victims among the peaceful residents and the destruction of houses and infrastructure.

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