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3 of July, 13:57

Lavrov: the West must persuade Kiev to follow the Berlin Declaration
The West must persuade Kiev to follow adopted the Berlin Declaration on the settlement of the situation in the East of Ukraine, said the head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S. Lavrov In..

on Wednesday at a meeting in Berlin of the head of the foreign ministries of Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France adopted a Declaration, in which, for example, reported that the contact group should again start its work no later than July 5. In consultations in this format participating Authorized Kiev, Eastern Ukraine, Russia and OSCE.

" In order to execute the Declaration, which yesterday was adopted in Berlin, a decisive role, in my opinion, have to play Western colleagues to convince the Kyiv authorities of the need to follow the call that the Declaration committed. The appeal concerns the tasks of the early convening of a liaison group To negotiate on a bilateral basis lasting and durable ceasefire, " said the Russian Minister at a press conference on the results of negotiations with his colleague from Morocco Salaheddin Metarom.

numerous anti-government protests were started in the South-Eastern regions of Ukraine at the end of February 2014. It has been the response of local citizens at the forcible change of power in the country and the subsequent attempt to cancel the Verkhovna Rada of the law, giving the Russian language regional status. The center of confrontation between Pro-Russian-minded people with the government in Kiev has become the Donbass. About that, how is the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine.

The development of events in Ukraine and Novorossiya: the latest information, photos and video from the place, reaction, and activation -

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