<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
4 of February, 12:42

Kamil Iskhakov named priorities of energy development in Far East region Russian government should transfer cash grant in amount of 3 milliard rubles for equalization of Far East electric energy tariffs and average Russian indexes.

This was announced by presidential plenipotentiary at Far East Kamil Iskhakov during business trip to Amur oblast.

Iskhakov has visited Seisk hydroelectric power station, where he has held a meeting about energetic development of Far East. He emphasized that tariffs on heating in Far East region are 1.7 times higher than average index over Russia. "Tariffs for Far East and other Russian regions should be equal. This measure is necessary to produce competitive goods for Russian and foreign markets", - said Iskhakov.

"Planned construction of oil processing plants along oil pipeline Taishet-Pacific Ocean will stimulate production of electric energy", - thinks Kamil Iskhakov. By his words, oil-refining industry should be developed on territory of Russia, near Skovorodkino settlement of Amur oblast in particular.

To fulfill a goal of gross domestic product doubling put by president Vladimir Putin, the region needs thrice-increased energy volumes. Along with positive factors Islhakov paid attention on unsolved problems such as construction of Nizhnebureisk hydroelectric power station, financing of Izvestnyak-Chegomyn railway removal from flooded area of Bureisk reservoir and others.
sections: Economics, Region News
areas: Far East region

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