<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
31 of July, 17:59

State border service of Ukraine announced about 32 killed the guards in the East
During the fighting in Eastern Ukraine lost his life 32 of the frontier guard, said the state border service of Ukraine, it does not specify, for what period.
" as a result of the clashes in Eastern Ukraine lost his life 32 border guards, " said the report, which cites RIA " Novosti ". These data are given as of July 31. On Tuesday, the speaker of the information centre of the NSDC of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko said that since the beginning of summer on the East of the country lost his life 27 border guards, 185 injured body. The NSDC of Ukraine declares that, as of July 30, from the beginning of the special operation in Eastern Ukraine lost his life 363 of the Ukrainian military, more than 1, 4 thousand were injured body. On Tuesday the Director of the military-medical Department of the defense Ministry of Ukraine Vitaly Andronati said that since the outbreak of hostilities in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions were damaged body 1236 Ukrainian soldiers. July 2, the NSDC of Ukraine reported that since the beginning of punitive operations in the East of the country died 200 security forces, injuring more than 600 (military, terrorists nazvanii, departments of the Ministry of internal Affairs). At the same time claimed that a prisoner militias 29 military. According to the militia, the management of " special operations " underestimates their losses several times over.


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